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Enric Miralles Foundation

The organization encourages participants of the IAC Congress to remain in Barcelona during the weekend after the conference in order to have the opportunity to visit additional places and special exhibitions of ceramic interest that the city will offer during these days, and that you may not have time to visit during the days of the conference.

Of course, the monuments and ceramic places of interest included in the visits during the afternoons and evenings of the Congress can also be visited during the weekend if someone did not have the chance because they were already full. These free visits are not guided by the organization. Many of the offers in this section are not included in the daily program of the Congress.

Contemporary ceramics exhibitions in art galleries

Exhibitions of contemporary ceramics in art galleries

More than twenty-five galleries in Barcelona and its surrounding area present special exhibitions of ceramics during the Congress of the IAC, proof of the committed involvement of the social and cultural fabric in this event. The codes correspond to the location on the map of Ceramics Circuits that has been published separately.


 Map of galleries, > click here

Joint inaugural act:
Thursday, September 8 at 19.00h. At MACBA – Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona

Artevistas Gallery
Corps et architecture
Laurent Dufour / Suso Dobao
Until September 25

Galeria Barcel-one
Terra i foc Picasso, J. Miró, J. Cocteau, R. Silvestrini, A. Felipe, M. Sala, F. Ceramique, J. Rothfuss and A. Valés
Until September 25

Galeria Beaskoa
Figura fictile
Thiesmeyer, A. Rosenzweig, R. Hernández, J. Davila, P. Rodriguez, A. Garcia, M. Galià, G. Armadas, S. Draper and M. Rius.
Until September 24

Cadàver Exquisit
El jardín de las delícias
Sophie Aguilera and Olivia Walker
Until September 25

Rocío SantaCruz Art
Group show
Mar Arza, Ana Garcia-Pineda and Rosa Amorós
Until September 23

Piramidón, Centre d’Art Contemporani
Espacio industrial
Juan Ortí
Until November 8

Galeria Dartc
Esferas cerámicas
Igual, A. Ferrer, C. Rodríguez, E. Ramos, G. Trujillo, I. Bazaco, J. Panisello,
J.Marcet i R. Vila-Abadal, J. Pellicer, L. Pascual, M. Ming, M. Coma, M. Mir, M. Nadal, M. Plà, M. Torras, M. Ayala, M. Ramon, N. Pié, R. Andaluz, R. Cepedano, T. Elias and T. Plà
Until September 28

El torn Barcelona
Garrigou, C. Janelle, S. Aguillera, N. Torres, M. McInturff, S. Pedro, L. Rice, P. Loew, S. Pulido, J. Weynacht, M. Epiney, J. Moussy, A. Guasch, I. Yundina, M. Turkington, M. Loew, A. Kryszewski, C. Bain, O. Walker, P. Nadal, M. Maceira and E. Kengen.
Until September 16

Ronda Barcelona
Mercè Pla
Until October 3

 Espai Els 4 Gats
Ceràmiques entre llibres
Joan Panisello
Until October 8

Galeria Esther Montoriol
Matilde Grau/Rosa Cortiella
Rosa Cortiella and Matilde Grau
Until September 30

Francesc Mestre Art
Va de coure
Until September 29

Galeria Gothsland
Jordi Serra and Joan Serra
Until September 28

Galeria H2O
Martin Ruiz de Azúa
Until September

Olivart Art Gallery
Passat per foc
Lidia Sevilla, Marlene Vite and Katsue Kusumi
Until September 18

Imaginart Gallery
Venus, cada dia
Ana Rosenzweig
Until October 7

It reminds me of something
Fireworks-wood-fired ceramics
Caterina Roma
Until September 18

Galeria Joan Gaspar
Latest works
Claudi Casanovas
Until October 15, 2016

Las cosas de Martínez
Fang en femení
Rivière, S. Pulido, M. Epiney, N. Torres, A. Gailmont, A. Deluna, I. Yudina, C. Janelle, O. Molina and Tinou
Until September 25

Galeria N2
Nens, globus i crispetes-sweet porcelain
Núria Torres
Until October 19

Galeria Art Nou Mil·lenni
Formes 2011-2016
Joan Poch
Until September 22

Espai Tiziana Tafuri
Abrigando el vacio
Tiziana Tafuri
Until September 30



AB Galeria d’Art. Granollers
Supi Hsu
Until October 7

Galeria d’Art Canals. Sant Cugat del Vallès
Del fang al color
Sergi Barnils (Room 1)
Binomi arbre-home
Joan Panisello (Room 2)
Until October 12

Galeria Context. Sant Cugat del Vallès
30 years of ceramic jewellery 1986-2016
Núria Álvarez de Lara
Arianna Russo
Until October 30

Dterra Galeria – Taller. Sant Cugat del Vallès
The beauty of clay. Group exhibition of ceramic jewellery
Giraldez, A. Berdichesky, B. Torà, E. Girbes, G. Cohn, I. Batalla, J. McCaig, L. Jener, L. Gratacós, N. Soley, P. Cotter, R. Ferreira, T. Fontane and T. Contreras.
Until November 5

Espai G d’Art. Terrassa
Reflexions matèriques sobre l’evolució
Teresa Gironès
Until September 29



Design Museum of Barcelona

  • AIC members’ exhibition, around the topic “Ceramics in Architecture and Public Space”
  • Ceramic section of the museum.
  • “Ceramics and Architecture in the Mediterranean Area” (provisional title) produced by the Design Museum of Barcelona and curated by the architect Pedro Azara.
  • Processos – Ceramica Cumella, exhibition about the most important producer in contemporary architectural ceramic in Spain, Ceramica Cumella.
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Basilica of the Sagrada Familia, detail of pinnacle


Picasso Museum

Special rooms of Picasso ceramics prepared for the IAC Congress, photographs of the author making pottery and posters of his ceramics exhibitions in Vallauris (France).


Joan Miró Foundation

Visit to permanent collection, which includes some ceramic works made by Joan Miró and a special exhibition to be determined.

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Association of Catalan Ceramists


National Art Museum of Catalonia—MNAC

Visit to the special activities prepared for AIC congress:

  • Permanent collection with ceramic pieces related to the ones that appear in some classical and modern paintings.
  • Dialogues of contemporary ceramics and classic masterpieces of the museum. Artists to be determined.
  • Large ceramic mural created by Joan Miró and J. Gardy Artigas.

Palau de la Música, concert Hall, Ceramics application detail


Crafts Center of Catalonia (Artesania Catalunya)
Center of the CCAM (Crafts Consortium) of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia). Visit to a special double exhibition for the IAC Congress:

  • Contemporary ceramics of Catalonia
  • Young Catalan ceramists


Barcelona Face
1992, Public sculpture made of ceramics
Author: Roy Lichtenstein (visit)


Batlló House (Casa Batlló)

The Batlló House (1905-1907) is a masterpiece by Antoni Gaudí. Behind the exceptional Modernist facade, reflecting a calm sea, a world of surprises and refined architectural details is hidden.


Amatller House (Casa Amatller)

Modernist house built between 1898-1900 by the architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867-1956). It has important ceramic applications both on the facade and in the interior. Currently it houses the Amatller Institute of Hispanic Art Foundation.


A. Gaudí. Palau Güell


Palau Güell

Palau Güell is a building designed by the architect Antoni Gaudí, foremost exponent of Catalan Modernism, between 1885 and 1900. The palace is located on Carrer Nou de la Rambla, in the Raval neighbourhood.

Park Güell

Park Güell, by Antoni Gaudí, is a large garden featuring architectural elements with important applications in ceramics, located in the upper part of Barcelona, built between 1900 and 1914.  


Basilica of the Sagrada Família

1882 – (under construction)
Architect Antoni Gaudí i Cornet (1852-1926)
Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO

This is the most emblematic building of the brilliant Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926). Construction began in 1882 and it is not expected to be completed until 2026. It has ceramic applications of great visual impact.


Museum of Contemporary Art, MACBA

Special activity during the congress to be decided.




Association of Catalan Ceramists, ACC

Exhibition of members of the association


Antoni Tàpies Foundation

Ceramic and other works of Antoni Tàpies, one of the most important contemporary artists in Spain (1923-2012).

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Pepper “Sun and shade”


Enric Miralles Foundation

Architect Enric Miralles (1955-2000) was a pioneer in applying ceramics in contemporary architecture, as Santa Caterina Market in Barcelona. Special exhibition of architectural projects of Miralles and his colleague and wife, Benedetta Tagliabue.


Santa Caterina Market

1847, remodelled in 2005 by Enric Miralles.
Ceramic Roof by Ceramica Cumella
Special visit for IAC Congress participants.

Projekt: Mercado, Barcelona Architekt: Miralles Taliabue

Santa Caterina Market

Sol i ombra—Sun and shade
1991, Public sculpture
Author: Beverly Pepper (visit)


Palau de la Música Catalana

1905, Architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner (1850-1923). Declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO
Visit to ceramic ressources.


Dona i ocell—Woman and bird
1982, Public sculpture with ceramics applications.
Author: Joan Miró


CaixaForum Barcelona (former Casaramona factory)

1912, Architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch.
Important Modernist building made of exposed brick, headquarters of CaixaForum Barcelona, where major temporary exhibitions are presented by “la Caixa” Foundation.


La Pedrera—Milà House (Casa Milà)

Architect Antoni Gaudí i Cornet (1852-1926).
One of Gaudi’s most important buildings, built between 1906-1910. It is owned and managed by La Pedrera Foundation. It houses the Gaudí Space.


Antoni Tàpies Foundation


Barcelona Face
1992 Public sculpture made of ceramics
Author: Roy Lichtenstein (visit)

F13_Lichtenstein_2Roy Lichtenstein, Barcelona Face 





IAC Members' Exhibition at the Design Museum of Barcelona - DHUB

(read more...)